Reasons to choose Indihome for Home Internet: IndonesiaCendekia

 Learn the indihome call center number and how to contact them

Call center number Indihome is an important entry number for its users.  Indihome is in fact one  of the Internet Service Providers  in Nusantara.   As a subsidiary of  a telecommunications giant in Indonesia, the PT. Indonesian telecommunications (Telkom) was quickly created by Indihome in the wider community.

Also known, the Internet is becoming one of the  most important  needs  of civilization in the world today.   Internet development is  faster and faster and continues to enjoy most people in the world.  Various Internet service providers are also starting  to open a variety of attractive offers such as mushrooms.

Even if you look further,  internet infrastructure has currently begun to be built in  places in the canyon  , so  that  people can also enjoy it.   Not only that, in the past the Internet has been used only by companies or offices.   Meanwhile, it is currently targeting a smaller direction, a home.

The reason is  what makes Indihome meet internet at home at low  prices  .   You don’t have to go to an  internet café to enjoy  high-speed network access.  To obtain  a variety of information about Indihome and submit user complaints, you can  contact the  Indihome call center number .

Meet Indihome as an Internet provider

The word Indihome stand for Indonesia Digital Home is a product of PT. Invention of indihomes  .  Telecommunications Indonesia (Telkom). Service providers of communication   and  data service packages, such as online services (voice  ), Internet (Internet of Fiber or High Speed Internet)   and interactive television services such as  USEE TV  Cable and IP TV.

The indihome provides a 3-in-1 package label.    This designation is due to the fact that Indihome offers not only Internet services, but also TV shows and phone lines.   In addition, Indihome also develops its services by providing digital  music portal services and home automation.

Indihome  in 2015 made the transition from fast users to Indihome  . In the same year,  Indihome was one  of Telkom’s major  projects  , similar to Indonesia Digital Network 2015.   To make this program  a success, Telkom works with various developers of  telecommunications technology  .

The goal of working with various telecommunications technology developers is that Telkom wants to build a digital  concept service at home.  The purpose of houses that  can be used indihomes are areas where there are fiber optics  from Telkom, and  areas where copper cables are still actively used.

By providing high-quality internet services, Indihome provides  an Indihome call center number that makes it easier for customers to contact Indihome if there is a  technology problem  installed in their home  . This will make it easier for you to fix the problem.

How to contact the Indihome Call Center

As a service provider, Indihome combines it with a  provision of call center services  .  To  contact the indihome call center by 147 by following the procedure given.  This number  is available as a medium to report disturbances in your home.

The first  thing you need to own is enough credit  to contact  the Indihome call center number.   In addition, kamu can hit 147 on the mobile phone used  . If the balance is sufficient, it is  connected  when you hear  the greeting “Welcome to 147,  press  1 for  Indonesian, press 2 for English”.

After that, kmu can hitnumber 2 for various Indihome problems.   In addition, press number 1 for Indihome customers. If kmu is not an Indihome customer  , you can hit number 2.  Then you only have to wait for a direct reception  from the Indihome operator.

If it is connected, you  can file a complaint with the operator.  Typically,  kmu is asked to provide customer numbers  . This ID is commonly used in the invoice payment process. It is very easy to contact an Indihome call center number on the internet or  other interruptions of service in your home.

Best Indihome Pakete  Band the Price

During this WFH period, Indihome moved to  offer a variety of packages that can only be accessed from home.  The first package is Indihome Learning from Home.   According to the name  of the package,  this  package is  intended to support the learning process during the Covid-1 pandemic.   Specially offered for students at a price that fits into your pocket.

For example, the Learning  from Home package is a triple-play package with an internet quota of up to 10 Mbps, a 50-minute  call  , and an interactive TV.   To get this package, it is enough to spend a budget of Rp. 199,000. This price will reduce students’ spending on buying  the internet quota.

Not only for students  , for teachers and  lecturers, special packages are also provided for  teachers and lecturers who teach at home.   Including online  provision of materials about Indihome’s study.   With  a budget of 225,000 kAmu, you can  now enjoy one of these packages, which is fun dual Play.

Another package of indihome is Indihome Triple Play.  This category includes complete packages such as those provided for Internet services, landlines and USETV with standard packages. A special voucher  is awarded when  you buy this package online.   Not only that, but there  are also streaming bonuses like kunglix.

Game lovers  don’t need to worry, Indihome also  offers  Indihome Gamer Pack. Players who opt for this package will receive an  Internet Speed feature of up to 100 Mbps.   For the problem, the price   with a minimum price of Rp is  still quite affordable. 395,000 KAmu can enjoy this package.

Another package offered is a BUMN package established to love local products.   To get an uninterrupted Internet service  , Indihome is the option. If  you have a problem with this  service  , you can contact the  indihome call center number on 147.

Reasons to choose Indihome for Home Internet

Choosing Indihome forkmu connection access around the world is truly  appropriate knais offered various benefits.   This advantage makes its customers feel more at home and those who do not  join can immediately choose indihome for the best connection.

The advantage guaranteed is to receive the  package if necessary.   Indihome offers different types of packages  with  prices that vary depending on your needs.   Lovers of WatchN TV don’t have to worry  either, because  you can  contact the indihome call center number and  it will facilitate a service without a commercial break.   Indihome offers USETV for viewing service providers without ad breaks.

Those of you who are concerned  that various  devices connected to Indihome Internet are  easily  exposed to viruses should be ignored immediately.   The reason for this is that Indihome offers a digital antivirus  with layers of protection and extra.  So it is very safe if your communication equipment can access it anytime.

Another advantage  is that Indihome offers stable and fast  Internet access.   Not only that, this product also  offers  a special phone service.   In terms of service, there is  already  an indihome call center number that you can contact if there is a problem.

If you often have problems with the  payment process or invoice,  it  does not apply when  you select Indihome.   The reason for this is that indihome offers  you the option to  easily pay online or directly.   These different advantages make Indihome worthy of being  your choice when browsing in cyberspace.

The Internet, in fact, is the part of the world communications market.  Almost all the work and it is necessary foreveryone.   If you want to have  extensive internet coverage at home, you can  try using Indihome.   If  you  choose  Indihome and have problems,  you can  easily contact  the Indihome call center.

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