How to register SIUP-OSS BKOM online : CekResi

Check out the most important information about the FAQ and OSS Call Center

Themost important thing about US and US call centers includes the terms, how to make them, and at a glance about their benefits. The FAQ itself is an online single filing or can only be interpreted as managing a company permit. Through official institutions such asministers, regents and leaders who use technology in a modern way.

If you have a business, you should simply register your business to get plenty of convenience services online. The OSS covers different types of businesses, including domestic and business from outside Indonesia. Many entrepreneurs say that pocketing a SIUP-OSS permit is tantamount to an investment is very important.

Therefore, knowing the most important information about US and OSS call centers offers  many advantages for everyone. If you find it difficult, you can contact the CS service that will surely help you or respond to complaints. Here is some important information related to the OSS that should be known as basic knowledge.

Terms and at a glance How to make AN US SIUP that needs to be considered

Understand the most important information about US and OSS call centers must also know the requirements and how to make SIUP-OSS. Moreover, the process carried out online should certainly not forget about these two important things. Here are examples of relationships that need to be completed and a glimpse of how to get them to pay attention to.

  1. Terms of production

Everything related to perizinan must have a condition in which this is very reasonable. One of them is to create a user by entering NIK on your KTP. Meanwhile, for owners of business entities, they can use NIK  to the person appointed as responsible for the business, only one person is enough.

SOEs if they are to grant permits must also meet the requirements to link the legal basis for doing their business. Especially for institutions such as cooperatives, CV Yayayan, PT and the like, there must be an approval from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. So pay attention to the type of businessyou are running so that it can meet the requirements according to the conditions.

  1. Ways to produce

At first glance, the most important information about OSS and OSS call centers, in particular, how to make SIUP on the official BKPM website. First, you need to create an ID to enter the NIK of the owner or responsible person. Then fill out  the registration form completely, and it must not be the slightest typo.

The next step to verify account creation is usually via email, so you need to check it diligently. Then create a user ID and password that will be used to sign in to the account. After the process is completed , wait for confirmation from the FAQ about the next step until all the processes are successful.

How to register SIUP-OSS BKOM online

The company’s SIUP registration is deliberately delivered via online services to provide convenience for business players. The guidance given is not difficult because it is already available, just follow it. To make it easier, follow the guide on how to register below in a direct way so as not to get confused after each step.

  1. Go to the official website of OSS-BKPM

Find the most important information about the FAQ and US call center is available in full on the official US-BKPM website. Just go to the official website and then find the “License List” feature on the main page. Just click on the function later, a form will come out that you need to fill out according to the complete business data.

  1. Fill in the data from the fill-in form

Fill out the online form as is to make it easier to verify or check. It is also very important without falsification so as not to cause various problems later. If you have finished filling out all the contents of the form, just wait for the process of getting a user ID in the form of a username and password.

  1. Log in to the OSS-BKPM account to complete the process

Use your user name and password to log on to the US-BKPM account, and then complete the process. There are instructions with which you can read each step of the way carefully and in as much detail as possible. If you have received NIB, you can check on the website to make sure that the data matches the name of the company or not.

CS OSS-BKPM services and daily opening hours

Info most important about US and us call center also discuss whether CS services  should also be known. Services like this are very important to know because they can be used to help every company registration process. BPKM is an institution that takes care of creating SIUP OSS and various investment services.

This institution is non-ministerial where its mission is to connect the business community with the government. Included in the management of permits related to the business being conducted so that it becomes clearer and easier for business owners. So if you want to run a business in any field, it will be directly related to BKPM.

Anyone who wants to take care of different permissions with BKPM will have to create a queue due to the large number of users. Although you can sign up via online, you still need to create a queue offline. Come directly to the BKPM office where it is located on Jalan Jenderal Gatot Subroto 44 – Jakarta.

You can also find the most important information about the OSS and OSS BKPM customer service centre to make it easier to create queues. Call the telephone number 080 7100 2576 during working hours Monday to Thursday 09:00 – 14:00 WIB. While Friday at 09.00 – 14.30 WIB with adjustment of rest time.

BKPM also offers several services available on the official website to help you if you feel difficult via email, including:

  1. Technical assistance for licensing can be via email
  2. System technical assistance via e-mail
  3. Consultation on investment facilities via

Advantages of having an OSS SIUP permit for a company

Having an OSS SIUP permit offers many benefits that are often considered by business players today. As a motor vehicle driver, when you run a business, you already have a driver’s license. Know the benefits as one of the most important information about US and OSS call centers.

  1. Obtaining legal protection

SIUP is proof that the business you run has received permission from the authorities, so it is safer when you operate. The company will get legal protection from the government because the business being conducted is ready or legal. And it is not considered illegal, so it can be protected from various claims of disadvantaged institutions.

  1. It is easier to apply for a loan

Companies registered with the SIUP OSS are easier to apply for a bank account, especially if it is in the name of the company. Likewise, applying for a loan or credit becomes very easy because the business license is ready. You will get business capital from bank loans with low interest rates and the amount can be a lot.

  1. Increase consumer confidence

Consumer confidence is important for companies, it will be easier to increase if they have a SIUP. This will have a positive impact on the business you do with a business license. The higher the level of consumer trust, thebetter  the  development of the business being conducted.

OSS provides various conveniences to entrepreneurs, especially when it comes to managing SIUP-OSS permissions. The process is carried out online where the system is integrated so that it is easier, faster and less complicated. By understanding the most important information about US and US call centers, it has been explained to give you an idea of taking care of it.

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